
Welcome to MediFlowR

Too many patients to handle? Mixing up your patient appointments?

Don’t worry, we got you! Taking control of your patient records management is now made easier with MediFlowR, and this user guide will help you master the application in no time!

About MediFlowR:

MediFlowR is a desktop application built for medical practitioners to manage their day-to-day operations. It is a user-friendly and efficient patient records management system designed to help you streamline your patient management processes. In the fast-paced world of healthcare, we understand the importance of keeping patient information organised and appointments on track. MediFlowR is your solution!

Key Features:

To simplify your administrative tasks, our application provides a range of features, but not limited to:

  1. Patient Information Management: Easily store, access and edit patient data, making it simple to track patient’s vital information and history.
  2. Appointment Scheduling: Efficiently manage patient appointments and eliminate the risk of scheduling conflicting appointments.
  3. Integration: Seamlessly integrate patient records across multiple departments by allowing users to update patient information, allowing for the doctor to follow up and ensuring continuity of care.

Here at MediFlowR, we believe in keeping things simple and efficient.

Simple: Navigating MediFlowR is a breeze. Our intuitive user interface just displays essential information allowing you to quickly access the information you need. Moreover, this user guide together with the in-application guidance minimises the learning curve for your administrative staff.

Efficient: On top of these functionalities, we believe that patient management must be efficient. Therefore, MediFlowR is optimised for keyboard users. By simply typing, MediFlowR can get your hospital management tasks done faster than the other apps in the industry.

Table of Contents

:bulb: Tips: If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as the format might be different when copied over to the application.


Here are some common terms that you might encounter throughout the user guide:

Term Meaning
Command The instruction that you enter into the application
Parameter The additional information provided when you enter a command
Attribute The particular information of the patient/appointment you want to access
Index The position a patient/appointment is at on the patients records/appointments list

Here are some common icons that you might see throughout the user guide:

Icons Meaning
:clipboard: Format Provides you with the format used for a command
:paperclip: Example Provides you with an example on how to use a command
:pencil2: Notes Provides you with some additional information on the inputs for a command
:bulb: Tip Provides you with small tips to improve your experience using the application
:exclamation: Warning Warns you on the potential dangers of not using a command properly

Here are some common formats that you need to follow when entering commands:

Format Meaning
WORDS_IN_CAPITAL_LETTERS The parameters of a command
[Words between square brackets] The parameters that are not necessary for the command to run (i.e. the optional parameters)

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User Interface for MediFlowR

Name Function
Patients List Displays patient records
Appointments List Displays appointments that are scheduled
Status Box Displays the results after a command is executed
Command Box For you to enter the commands

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Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

    • To check your Java version, open Command Prompt if you are on Windows, or Terminal if you are on MacOS, and run java --version. If you do not have Java installed, you can install it here.
  2. Download the latest mediflowr.jar from here.

  3. Create a folder in the location where you want the application to stay in, and copy the file into that folder.

    • This is necessary as the application will create additional files to store settings and the data itself, so this will nicely organise the files.
  4. If you are familiar with Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on MacOS, navigate to the folder that you have just created using cd command and open the application using the java -jar mediflowr.jar command.

    • If you are not familiar, follow the instructions listed here.
  5. You should now be able to use the application.

    • If you wish to familiarise yourself with the application, you can follow the tutorial on how to use MediFlowR in the next section here.

    • If you wish to learn more in depth about the different features, you can skip forward to this section here.

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Tutorial for new users

If this is your first time using MediFlowR, do not worry as this is a tutorial for you to get familiar with the features of MediFlowR. Please follow the instructions here first to set up the application before proceeding with the tutorial.

First screen

  • Launch the MediFlowR application. If you are not able to launch the application, follow the instructions here. You will see the screen as shown above.

    • Note: When the application is first launched, it will contain some default patient records.
  • Let us try adding a patient into our patient records. Enter the command add name=John Doe gender=MALE birthdate=2000/10/20 phone=98765432 address=311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 illnesses=Fever in the command box.

Command result for add

  • You should get this result screen. Scroll down in the patients list to confirm that patient John Doe has indeed been added. Try adding a few more patients into the patient records with the same format to familiarise yourself with the command.

  • Let us try editing a patient in our patient records. Enter the command edit 7 birthdate=2001/12/14 phone=93842738 in the command box.

Command result for add

  • You should get this result screen. Scroll down in the patients list to confirm that the birthdate and phone of patient John Doe have indeed been edited. Try editing other attributes or editing other patients to familiarise yourself with the command.
  • Let us try finding a patient. Enter the command find-p alex bernice in the command box.

Command result for find

  • You should get this result screen. This command will find all patients with either the name alex or bernice.

  • Let us try scheduling an appointment now that we have a patient in our records. Enter the command schedule patient=John Doe start=2023/10/20 12:00 end=2023/10/20 13:00 description=Follow up on Chest X-Ray priority=high in the command box.

Command result for schedule

  • You should get this result screen. This will schedule a new appointment for the patient with the name John Doe. Try scheduling a few more appointments with the same format to familiarise yourself with the command.
  • Let us try rescheduling the appointment that we have just scheduled. Enter the command reschedule 1 start=2023/05/02 09:00 end=2023/05/02 11:00 in the command box.

Command result for reschedule

  • You should get this result screen. This will reschedule the appointment to start on 2023/05/02 09:00 and end on 2023/05/02 11:00. Try rescheduling the appointment to other timings or rescheduling other appointments to familiarise yourself with the command.

  • Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial. You are now ready to use MediFlowR. Enter the command clear to clear all patient records and appointments. You can learn more about the different commands here.

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MediFlowR provides a variety of commands for you to effectively manage your patient records and appointments. This section will clearly guide you on how to use the commands so that you can streamline your workflow and take full advantage of the features present in this application.

Patient commands

Adding a new patient: add

This command creates a new patient to be added to the patient records, along with the necessary personal information and contact details about the patient.

:clipboard: Format: add name=NAME gender=GENDER birthdate=BIRTHDATE phone=PHONE email=EMAIL address=ADDRESS [illnesses=ILLNESS]

:paperclip: Example: add name=John Doe gender=MALE birthdate=2000/10/20 phone=98765432 address=311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 illnesses=fever

The example command will add a male patient called John Doe, with birthdate on 20 October 2000, phone number at 98765432, email at and address at 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25, who is currently down with fever.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • A patient’s name can only consist of letters and numbers.

  • A patient’s gender can only be MALE or FEMALE.

  • A patient’s birthdate must be in the format yyyy/MM/dd, e.g. 2001/04/28 for a birthdate on 28 April 2001.

  • A patient’s phone must be a valid phone number, i.e. only contains numbers.

  • A patient’s email must be a valid email address, i.e. of the form

  • A patient’s illness can only consist of letters and numbers.

  • You do not have to enter the illness when adding a patient.

:bulb: Tips: You can enter more than one illness for a patient, e.g. illnesses=fever, flu will add both fever and flu as a patient’s illnesses.

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Updating a patient’s details: edit

This command updates a patient’s personal information and contact details. It will update the details of the patient at the specified INDEX currently shown in the patients records. You must edit at least one detail when using the command.

:clipboard: Format: edit INDEX [name=NAME] [gender=GENDER] [birthdate=BIRTHDATE] [phone=PHONE] [email=EMAIL] [address=ADDRESS]

:paperclip: Example: edit 1 birthdate=2001/12/14 phone=93842738

This example command will update the patient with index 1 in the patient records (i.e. the first patient) and will change the patient’s birthdate to 2001/12/14 and phone number to 93842738.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

  • You must edit at least one detail when using the command.

  • A patient’s name can only consist of letters and numbers.

  • A patient’s gender can only be MALE or FEMALE.

  • A patient’s birthdate must be in the format yyyy/MM/dd, e.g. 2001/04/28 for a birthdate on 28 April 2001.

  • A patient’s phone must be a valid phone number, i.e. only contains numbers.

  • A patient’s email must be a valid email address, i.e. of the form

  • You do not have to enter the illness when adding a patient.

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Diagnosing a patient: diagnose

This command adds one or more illnesses to a patient’s current illnesses. It will update the details of the patient at the specified INDEX currently shown in the patients records.

:clipboard: Format: diagnose INDEX illnesses=ILLNESS

:paperclip: Example: diagnose 1 illnesses=fever

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

  • A patient’s illness can only consist of letters and numbers.

This example command will update the patient with index 1 in the patient records (i.e. the first patient) and will add fever to the patient’s illnesses.

:bulb: Tip: You can enter more than one illness for a patient, e.g. illnesses=fever, flu will add both fever and flu as a patient’s illnesses.

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Undiagnosing a patient: undiagnose

This command removes one or more illnesses to a patient’s current illnesses. It will update the details of the patient at the specified INDEX currently shown in the patients records.

:clipboard: Format: undiagnose INDEX illnesses=ILLNESS

:paperclip: Example: undiagnose 1 illnesses=fever

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

  • A patient’s illness can only consist of letters and numbers.

This example command will update the patient with index 1 in the patient records (i.e. the first patient) and will remove fever from the patient’s illnesses.

:bulb: Tip: You can enter more than one illness for a patient, e.g. illnesses=fever, flu will remove both fever and flu from a patient’s illnesses.

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Removing a patient: delete

This commands removes the specified patient from the patient list. It will remove the patient at the specified INDEX currently shown in the patients records.

:clipboard: Format: delete INDEX

:paperclip: Example: delete 1

This example command will remove the patient with index 1 in the patient records (i.e. the first patient).

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.
:exclamation: Caution: If you delete a patient, all appointments for that patient will also be deleted.

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Displaying all patients: patients

This command shows a list of all patients currently recorded in the MediFlowR application under the patients section.

:clipboard: Format: patients

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Finding patients by name: find-p

This command finds patients whose names contain any of the keywords that you specified.

:clipboard: Format: find-p NAME

:paperclip: Example: find-p alex david

This example command will find all patients with names that contain either alex or david, e.g. Alex Yeoh and David Li.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The search is case-insensitive, meaning that finding patients with the keyword John will return the same results as the keyword john.

  • Only patients with names matching the full words of the keywords will be displayed, meaning that Tom will find patients with names that contain the full Tom but will not find patients with names such as Tommy.

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Finding patients by illness: find-i

This command finds patients with illnesses that contain any of the keywords that you specified.

:clipboard: Format: find-i ILLNESS

:paperclip: Example: find-i fever flu

This example command will find all patients with illnesses that contain either fever or flu.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The search is case-insensitive, meaning that finding illnesses with the keyword fever will return the same results as the keyword Fever or FEVER.

  • Patients with illnesses that even contains the keywords will be displayed, meaning that flu will find both patients with illnesses that contain the full flu illness and also patients with illnesses such as influenza.

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Sorting patients: sort-p

This command sorts the patients list by name or birthday, in ascending or descending order.

:clipboard: Format: sort-p DIRECTION by=ATTRIBUTE

:paperclip: Example: sort-p asc by=name

This example command will sort the patients by the names in ascending order.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • This command will sort all patients in the application, but it will only display the patients that are currently displayed. E.g. If you had just used the command find-p to find patients by name, this command will only display the patients that were found by the previous command. So to view the full sorted list, follow up with the command list.

  • The direction can only be asc or desc, i.e. ascending or descending order respectively.

  • The attribute to sort the patients by can only be name or birthday.

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Appointment Commands

Scheduling a new appointment: schedule

This command schedules an appointment for an existing patient in the patient records. It will schedule an appointment for the patient with the name PATIENT.

:clipboard: Format: schedule patient=PATIENT start=START end=END description=DESCRIPTION priority=PRIORITY

:paperclip: Example: schedule patient=Alex Yeoh start=2023/10/20 12:00 end=2023/10/20 13:00 description=Follow up on Chest X-Ray priority=high

This example command will schedule a new high priority appointment for the patient Alex Yeoh on 20 October 2023 from 12pm to 1pm for his follow-up appointment on his chest X-Ray.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The patient provided for an appointment must exactly match the full name of a patient that is already in the patient records (case-sensitive).

  • An appointment start and end must be in the format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm, e.g. 2023/04/28 19:00 for 28 April 2023, at 7pm.

  • An appointment start date time should occur before end date time of the same appointment.

  • An appointment description can only consist of letters and numbers.

  • An appointment priority can only be high, medium, or low.

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Rescheduling an appointment: reschedule

This command reschedules an existing appointment to another timeslot. It will reschedule the appointment at the specified INDEX currently shown in the appointments list.

:clipboard: Format: reschedule INDEX start=START end=END

:paperclip: Example: reschedule 1 start=2023/05/02 09:00 end=2023/05/02 11:00

This example command will reschedule the appointment with index 1 in the appointments list (i.e. the first appointment) to 2 May 2023, from 9am to 11am.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

  • You must specify both start and end when using the command.

  • The patient provided for an appointment must exactly match the full name of a patient that is already in the patient records.

  • An appointment start and end must be in the format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm, e.g. 2023/04/28 19:00 for 28 April 2023, at 7pm.

  • An appointment start date time should occur before end date time of the same appointment.

  • An appointment description can only consist of letters and numbers.

  • An appointment priority can only be high, medium, or low.

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Triaging an appointment: triage

This command changes the priority of an existing appointment. It will change the appointment at the specified INDEX currently shown in the appointments list.

:clipboard: Format: triage INDEX priority=PRIORITY

:paperclip: Example: triage 1 priority=high

This example command will change the priority of the appointment with index 1 in the appointments list (i.e. the first appointment) to high.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

  • An appointment priority can only be high, medium, or low.

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Cancelling an appointment: cancel

This command cancels an existing appointment. It will cancel the appointment at the specified INDEX currently shown in the appointments list.

:clipboard: Format: cancel INDEX

:paperclip: Example: cancel 1

This example command will cancel the appointment with index 1 in the appointments list (i.e. the first appointment).

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The index provided must be a positive integer and a valid index.

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Displaying all appointments: appointments

This command shows a list of all appointments currently scheduled.

:clipboard: Format: appointments

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Finding appointments by patient name: find-a

This command finds appointments with patient names that contain any of the keywords that you specified.

:clipboard: Format: find-a PATIENT

:paperclip: Example: find-a alex david

This example command will find all appointments with patient names that contain either alex or david, e.g. Alex Yeoh or David Li.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The search is case-insensitive, meaning that finding appointments with the keyword John will return the same results as the keyword john.

  • Only appointments with patient names matching the full words of the keywords will be displayed, meaning that Tom will find patients with names that contain the full Tom but will not find patients with names such as Tommy.

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Displaying all appointments for today: today

This command shows a list of all appointments currently scheduled to start today, i.e. the current date you are using the command on.

:clipboard: Format: today

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Displaying all upcoming appointments: upcoming

This command shows a list of all upcoming appointments currently scheduled.

:clipboard: Format: upcoming

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Sorting appointments: sort-a

This command sorts the appointments list by date or priority, in ascending or descending order.

:clipboard: Format: sort-a DIRECTION by=ATTRIBUTE

:paperclip: Example: sort-a asc by=time

This example command will sort the appointments by the times in ascending order.

:pencil2: Notes:

  • This command will sort all appointments in the application, but it will only display the appointments that are currently displayed. E.g. If you had just used the command find-a to find appointments by patient name, this command will only display the appointments that were found by the previous command.

  • The direction can only be asc or desc, i.e. ascending or descending order respectively.

  • The attribute to sort the appointments by can only be time or priority.

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Miscellaneous commands

Displaying all patient records and appointments: list

This command displays all patient records and appointments.

:clipboard: Format: list

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Undoing a previous command: undo

This command undoes a previous command.

:clipboard: Format: undo

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The mode command cannot be undone using this command, as you can simply type mode again to toggle the dark/light mode.

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Redoing a previous command: redo

This command redoes a previous command that you undid.

:clipboard: Format: redo

:pencil2: Notes:

  • The mode command cannot be redone using this command, as you can simply type mode again to toggle the dark/light mode.

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Clearing all records: clear

This command clears all patient records and appointments from the application.

:clipboard: Format: clear

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Toggling dark/light mode: mode

This command toggles the dark/light mode for the application.

:clipboard: Format: mode

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Exiting the program: exit

This command exits the program.

:clipboard: Format: exit

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Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

:clipboard: Format: help

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Commands summary

Action Format, Examples
Adding a new patient add name=NAME gender=GENDER birthdate=BIRTHDATE phone=PHONE email=EMAIL address=ADDRESS [illness=ILLNESS]
e.g., add name=John Doe gender=MALE birthdate=2000/10/20 phone=98765432 address=311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 illnesses=fever
Updating a patient’s details edit INDEX [name=NAME] [gender=GENDER] [birthdate=BIRTHDATE] [phone=PHONE] [email=EMAIL] [address=ADDRESS]
e.g., edit 1 birthdate=2001/12/14 phone=93842738
Diagnosing a patient diagnose INDEX illnesses=ILLNESS
e.g., diagnose 1 illnesses=fever
Undiagnosing a patient undiagnose INDEX illnesses=ILLNESS
e.g., undiagnose 1 illnesses=fever
Removing a patient delete INDEX
e.g., delete 1
Displaying all patients patients
Finding patients by name find-p NAME
e.g., find-p alex david
Finding patients by illness find-i ILLNESS
e.g., find-i fever flu
Sorting patients sort-p DIRECTION by=ATTRIBUTE
e.g., sort-p asc by=name
Scheduling a new appointment schedule patient=PATIENT start=START end=END description=DESCRIPTION priority=PRIORITY
e.g., schedule patient=Alex Yeoh start=2023/10/20 12:00 end=2023/10/20 13:00 description=Follow up on Chest X-Ray priority=high
Rescheduling an appointment reschedule INDEX start=START end=END
e.g., reschedule 1 start=2023/05/02 09:00 end=2023/05/02 11:00
Triaging an appointment triage INDEX priority=PRIORITY
e.g., triage 1 priority=high
Cancelling an appointment cancel INDEX
e.g., cancel 1
Displaying all appointments appointments
Finding appointments by patient name find-a PATIENT
e.g., find-a alex david
Displaying all appointments for today today
Displaying all upcoming appointments upcoming
Sorting appointments sort-a DIRECTION by=ATTRIBUTE
e.g., sort-a asc by=time
Displaying all patient records and appointments list
Undoing a previous command undo
Redoing a previous command redo
Clearing all patient records clear
Toggling dark/light mode mode
Exiting the program exit
Viewing help help

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Q: How do I launch the MediFlowR application?
A: The easiest way is to double-click the mediflowr.jar file and the application should launch. If that does not work, follow the steps here:

  1. Open Command Prompt if you are on Windows, or open Terminal if you are on MacOS.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the mediflowr.jar file using the cd command. For example, if the file is located at C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads on Windows or ~/Downloads on MacOS, you can enter the command cd C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads or cd ~/Downloads to navigate to that directory.
  3. Open the mediflowr.jar file using the command java -jar mediflowr.jar. The application should launch afterwards.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: You can install MediFlowR on that other computer, then simply transfer over the mediflowr.json file located in the data folder to the data folder on that other computer. The data folder is located at the same place as your MediFlowR application.

Q: How do I save my data after any changes I have made?
A: The data is saved automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Q Can I edit the data file used by the application directly?
A: MediFlowR data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/mediflowr.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, the application will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

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Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the application will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application, located in the same folder as the application, before running the application again.

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