Project: MediFlowR

MediFlowR is a application that enables users to manage patient records within the system. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Implemented the UniqueAppointmentList to keep track of all appointments in the application
    • Implemented the JsonAdaptedAppointment to store the appointment objects as JSON objects as well as convert JSON objects back into appointment objects
    • Implemented the today, upcoming, and triage commands for appointments
    • Implemented the dark/light mode in the application as well as the corresponding mode command
  • Project management:
    • Set up the GitHub repo for the team
    • Maintained the issue tracker and distributed the work among the team
    • Released the different versions of the product throughout the lifecycle of the product
  • Contributions to user guide:
    • Added the “Tutorial for new users” section
    • Substantiated the “FAQ” and “Commands Summary” section
    • Reformatted all the commands in the user guide to a user-friendly style
  • Contributions to developer’s guide:
    • Updated the UML diagrams in the “UI”, “Model” and “Storage” sections to include the Appointment class
    • Added the “Appendix: Planned Enhancements” section
    • Added the UML Class diagram for the general implementation of an appointment command
    • Added the UML diagrams and explanations for the upcoming appointment command